The Schutzenberger brewery The Schutzenberger brewery was founded in 1740 by Jean-Daniel Schutzenberger in the Krutenau district in Strasbourg. Due to the fine taste of its beers, the brewery became a “Royal Brewery” with the privilege of supplying the troops of King Louis XV and King Louis XVI. In 1789, during the revolution, the brewery was renamed by the “sans culottes” to "Grande Brasserie de la Patrie" (Big brewery of the homeland.
The brewer Louis Schutzenberger is the first to introduce in Alsace in 1847 the Bavarian process of decoction replacing the one of infusion. The brewery moved in 1866 to Schiltigheim which used to be known for the quality of the water containing many minerals. The brewery became a joint stock company in 1927 but the family Schutzenberger kept on managing it from father to son. In 1940, M. Charles Walter who became later the general manager of the brewery was employed by Mrs Schutzenberger, the last heiress of the big family, as a manager for legal matters. 1970: launching of the first alcohol-free beer in Alsace called Santor.
Mrs. Rina Muller-Walter - the daughter of Mr Charles Walter- joined the brewery in 1978 and was nominated general manager in 1994 taking the succession of her father. Attached to the history of its region, the brewery Schutzenberger was the only Alsatian brewery which honoured in 1988 the 2000th anniversary of Strasbourg, brewing a commemorative beer which was given the name Schutz 2000. After the death of Mrs. Rina Muller-Walter in July 2004, it is her daughter, Marie-Lorraine Muller, which took over the management of the brewery. Its annual production amounts to approximately 190.000 hectolitres for less than one hundred employees. Its turnover amounts to 15 Mio Euros and 5% of its production is intended for exportation. But at the end of May 2006, after several months of fight for its survival, the bankruptcy of Schutzenberger is confirmed by the Court of Bankruptcy of Strasbourg. |